
Painting Retro Signs by Charlene Wang de Chen

So the feature film I'm set decorating is set in NYC in 1988.  

The production designer wanted me to handpaint some sign mock-ups. I was using those 99 cent store brushes (that's what was available in the production office) but I thought they came out ok still:

The Art Dept office in the Production Offices were plastered with fun reference photos of NYC Soho in the 1980s. 

The Art Dept office in the Production Offices were plastered with fun reference photos of NYC Soho in the 1980s. 

Matchstick Art by Charlene Wang de Chen

While prepping for a feature film where I was set decorator, I had to try and create two different images of an equinox flower out of matchsticks, a key dressing in the plot of the movie. 

option 1

option 1

option 2

option 2

option 3

option 3

option 4 (based on a drawing from production designer)

option 4 (based on a drawing from production designer)

While not the easiest medium, I'm pretty happy with how they each came out.  It took a long time, but it was calming and meditative and I listened to a great episode of On Being while making these. 

In the end though, a much simpler and less complex design was used in the shot.  When the film is released I'll screenshot it. 

fun fact: a classic Japanese film directed by Yasujirō Ozu was filmed in 1958, called Equinox Flower